You can save so much holiday plan housework if you start getting organized for Christmas ahead of time. Today I am sharing my fave tips to be ready for the holidays.
It is no news that the key for a relaxed holiday is to start organizing it early.
All the things that are on our list (i.e. gifts, budget, meals, cards, etc.) can be planned ahead of time and it will save you so much time and energy at the end of the year.
You can take some of the stress out of the holidays by getting organized now, months ahead of the events!
Follow these simple organization steps and Christmas preparation ideas to get ready for holidays.
Christmas planning guide
Below we share some things to do to get ready for Christmas way before December!
1. Declutter before the gifts arrive
You can do it a few months before Christmas and we actually suggest to do it just after the summer holidays, when the season is changing and you can soon part with summer items that no longer will fit the kids next year.
It is a great time to go through clothes, toys, playroom and other household items that are no longer suitable and make room for the presents soon to come.
Most importantly, if you make time to declutter and do this little preparation ahead, it will help you come up with a gift list filled with presents that are actually useful, and it will save you time decluttering afterwards.
2. Plan gifts ahead of time
We believe that physical gifts should be items that people either need or will be totally delight to have.
Before you ever step foot in a store you should ask everyone in your family to make wish lists for things they need – ask them to be specific about the utility of the item.
This way you can give to others what they want instead of something that will become clutter to them. Plus, you have one less decision to make.
3. Shop in advance
Doing your shop ahead of time will make your life so much easier and ensure that you actually enjoy the holiday season.
The earlier you start and finish your shopping, the shorter the queues and better selection of products.
It will definitely save sanity if you go shopping odd hours for a less hectic experience, avoid malls and post offices on the weekends if possible and shop online when applicable.
If you can’t come up with a present for someone just think about an experience. Think about an activity, concert or day out somewhere. These kind of gifts never go wasted or add to the clutter.
4. Wrap all presents in one go
That might seem like an overwhelming task but by doing similar activities at the same time you will be more productive.
Also create a separate space with all necessary supplies so you can wrap easily and quickly, get the mess away faster and store the packed presents somewhere safe.
5. Write the greeting cards in advance
Depending on how many Christmas greeting cards you send each year this activity alone can cause as much stress and overwhelming in december.
We don’t know about you but we always have plenty of greeting cards left from the packs we purchased in the previous years. So, before you get all excited with the beautifully displayed greeting cards in the shop in the weeks leading to Christmas,why not to start decluttering and use the left over cards from the previous year to send this time?
This way you can declutter and get ready prepared way earlier! Plan to complete your cards over a week or two many months in advance.
Just gather all your letter-writing materials and keep them in one place and you will be finished in no time. We promise you will be happy to have started earlier.
This is also a good time to update your card list while you don’t have all other Christmas chores to deal with.
And if you forget to write a card to someone you can do so in December without having all the other cards to deal with too.
6. Save time on decoration
Do you have that surprise feeling every time you open you Christmas decoration boxes because you don’t seem to remember having so many things?
Well, a lot happens in 365 days and it is easy to forget those items you only use once a year.
To make decoration faster and more relaxed, take a picture of your place decorated to speed the process next year.Being extra thorough this year could save hours when it is time to decorate next year.
And don’t forget to use appropriately sized and labeled storage containers for your Christmas decorations and supplies to avoid confusion when you decorate again next year!
7. Be prepared for unexpected guests
‘Tis the most joyful time of the year and it is not uncommon to have friends coming by to say hello and wish you a nice end of the year.
Be always prepared with easy things to serve in case someone knocks on the door. Keep your refrigerator organized with an inventory of quick food items such as cheese and crackers, tea and coffee, Christmas cookies, etc so you won’t be stressed if that happen!
8. Plan the gatherings in advance
Even if you love hosting a party or gathering it is wise to plan it way ahead so you can enjoy it too instead of just checking out that everyone is having a good time.
Allow plenty of time for cooking, decorating and cleaning so all is done and ready for when the guests arrive.
It is also wise to keep meals simple or ask guests to bring a dish to reduce your preparation time and stress. Delegate or ask for help with some of these activities; it will take a little of the stress off your shoulders and get everyone helping a little bit!
9. Don’t go crazy on cleaning
We sure want our house to look best for our family and friends but you should not overwhelm yourself by cleaning the house from top to bottom during such a busy season.
Follow the 3 rules of organization to keep things in place at all times and just concentrate on cleaning the public areas only, your guests want to enjoy your company more than look at your house.
The thing to remember is that Christmas should be a time of joy and relaxation where you can enjoy your friends, family, and relatives.
So take the stress out of holiday preparations and enjoy the good times by getting ready early, keeping it simple and asking for help.
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