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15 Self Care Habits to Practice with Your Alone Time that will Make you a Better Mother


15 Self Care Habits to Practice with Your Alone Time that will Make you a Better Mother

When you find yourself with some much needed alone time, try these 15 self-care for moms ideas and habits that will make you a better mother and a better person.


Self care idea for moms mothers


After a long day of making lunches, brushing hair, feeding children, wiping bums, picking up those DANG Legos off the floor all while listening to the symphonic melodies of “mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom…” on repeat at volume ELEVEN,  when suddenly you have a few moments without them.

Now, what to do? If you’re blessed enough to receive a few minutes peace from the blissful presence of your minions, here are some self-care activities that will boost your sense of peace and calm while giving you the courage to face another!

Every mom (and human for that matter) knows how much alone time and self-care can really add to your quality of life. But those moments are so rare, that we sometimes forget what to do with our precious time. Here are 15 ideas that will be sure to leave you feeling rejuvenated.


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1. Get Dolled Up

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It’s hard to remember sometimes that moms are people too! Sometimes we can feel more like a jungle gym, punching bag, milk wagon or even a napkin. It’s nice to give ourselves a little reminder that before we were moms, we were strong women, and that we still are, even though we may not feel like it.

Take a few minutes to do these self-care activities to help yourself feel beautiful and confident on the outside:

  • Facial: Give yourself a facial. Use a homemade face mask or how about a gorgeous body scrub? Try our sugar scrub recipe here.
  • Massage: Try a body or facial massager to both relax and pamper your skin.
  • Makeover: Put on some makeup, maybe more than usual, or try a new technique.
  • Try a New Do: Wash, dry and curl your hair. Try something different. We have some gorgeous but simple hairstyles here.


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2. Take a Bath or Home Spa

Run a hot bath, throw in some bubbles or a bath bomb, turn on relaxing music and light the candles! It will do your body and soul good! Hydrotherapy is wonderful for stress relief so home spa hot tubs could be a great investment for health and enjoyment, here is a great guide on best hot tubs for sale.

If you don’t have a tub or don’t like taking baths (yes, it’s a real thing) take a long hot shower…without an audience! It will help relax you too.



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3. Read a Good Book

Find a really intriguing book, some comfy pj’s, a warm blanket, a quiet spot, a cup of tea and make a day (or hour) of it!

4. Listen to an Audiobook

Don’t have time or energy to sit down with a good book? Pick a good listen on Audible. Don’t have an account? Sign up here!


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5. Make a Healthy Snack

Feed your body a healthy snack. It’s good for your body and your mind. Try something new, like these yummy and healthy Unicorn Toast.


6. Learn to do Something New

Sometimes as moms, we can feel like an old dog…you know…”old dog, new tricks?” Learn a new skill or learn how to cook a new recipe. Even if it’s something small, learning something new can make you feel younger and smarter. It’s good to exercize those brain cells we think we’ve lost with motherhood sometimes!


7. Go for a Walk

Get outside and go for a walk. Take time to notice the beauty around you and if you want, listen to an audiobook or music while you walk. I love these headphones and never walk without them!


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8. Exercize

You don’t even need a gym to stay active. Get those endorphins flowing by getting some exercise! It’s not only good for your body, but good for your mind. Exercise is proven to improve mood, energy levels, sleep and even your sex life!


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9. Mindfulness Meditation for Mothers

Mindfulness is described as “the nonjudgmental awareness of experiences in the present moment”  and there are plenty of reasons why it’s a great self-care activity to do when you have alone time. It lowers stress, changes your brain for the better, it lowers depression risk, it supports weight-loss goals, and helps you sleep better. Sounds like a good use of alone time to me!


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10. Take a Nap

No one knows better than moms, that SLEEP is essential to self-care. If we aren’t getting enough, we aren’t our best selves. Use your alone time to catch up on some much needed Zs!


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11. Do something creative

Creativity can force us to use parts of our brain that may have been lying dormant for far too long. When we do creative activities, our brains are so focused that we tend to block out negative thoughts, resulting in a better mood and more positive attitude. Drawing, painting, sewing, gardening, writing, organizing, cooking, playing an instrument, taking pictures and more can all allow you a creative outlet.


12. Get Outdoors

Take a few hours or even minutes to leave the house! Sometimes days go by and I realize I’ve been inside for far too long. Getting outside has many scientific benefits including easing depression, improving outlook, and strengthening immunity.


13. Connect with Other Humans

Take a minute to connect with a friend or relative you’ve been meaning to contact. Part of self-care is having a human connection to others. Write your grandma a letter or call a friend who has a positive influence in your life.


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14. Write in a Journal

Write your thoughts and reflections in a journal. Don’t stress about what to write, just start writing. If you’re feeling stumped, here are some good journaling prompts.


Thinking of starting a Bullet Journal? Take a look at our great Bullet Journal posts, there is a spread and idea to suit every taste and ability. 


15. Aroma Therapy

Try aromatherapy. Use a diffuser and some essential oils to help you relax or feel focused. We love doTERRA essential oils. Lavender and Serenity are great for relaxation and Peppermint and Lemon are good for waking up and focusing.


I hope these self-care tips will help when you find yourself with some much needed alone time! And if you don’t have alone time now, please find some, even if it means asking for help. You will be a better mother and a better human!





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