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Important baby things to buy before birth

This is a guest post from Diana Smith

Just because you designed a nursery and got a crib, it doesn’t mean your home is ready to welcome your new family member.

There are several safety measures you must take, items you must buy and habits you must tweak! So, no matter if you’re getting super close to your due date or just feel the need to start prepping in advance, here’s a list of things you must do to get your home in tip-top shape and  things to buy before baby arrives!


Start with cleaning the space

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Having a clean house will ensure there are no any hidden dangers waiting to attack your baby.

You can start by getting a good air purifier, especially if you used to smoke in the house. This air cleaning gadget will also allow you to keep your indoor air free of allergens, mold, pet dander, dust and even odors!

Another thing you can do is manage your clutter. A clutter-free house is much easier to keep clean and safe, plus it will always look presentable, even when you’re super busy with your newborn. Keeping clean is very important, but don’t overdo it!

Keeping your kid in a sterile environment might achieve a totally opposite effect and cause your baby’s immune system to underdevelop. So, thorough cleaning is good, but sterilizing everything might do more harm than good!


Reimagine your space

Babies are tiny, but the amount of space and items they require is mindboggling! So, take a good look around your home and put away everything that you don’t need in order to clear out some space.

Do you really need to keep that waffle maker on the counter even though you use it twice a year? Put it away and you’ll get enough room for a bottle rack or baby-food maker!

Can you live without that trinket drawer? Clean it out to make room for pump parts, pacifiers, baby spoons, bowls and sippy cups.

And don;t forget to make space for larger items such as strollers.


Invest in new appliances

You definitely don’t want to experience how it is to have a broken washing machine and a newborn in the same house.

The same is with all the other major appliances like dryers and dishwashers. Long story short, it’s a total disaster!

So, if you have old appliances that are ready for retirement, now is the time to replace them with something new and better. For instance, you’ll definitely benefit from a new bosch double wall oven for faster, crisper and more even cooking so you can have more free time with your baby.

Many mothers also recommend meal prepping, at least for a few first days after you return from the hospital. You’ll not want to stand in the kitchen as soon as you come home!


Stock up on baby necessities

Unless you’re fine with making several shopping trips a day, make sure to stock up on a few necessities.

Get a lot of nappies (your baby will need 10 to 12 changes a day) and buy in bulk to save money.

Other things you’re going to need in abundance are baby hygiene products and cleaning supplies. Expect plenty of spills and accidents, so stock up on paper towels, wet wipes and microfiber cleaning cloths!


Don’t neglect your needs

Sure, your entire day will revolve around your little bundle of joy, but make sure not to neglect your needs and feelings no matter how busy you are. So, don’t forget to add a few little pleasures and pampering items on your pre-baby shopping list!

Scented candles, bath bombs and expensive chocolate will definitely make particularly hard days a lot easier to handle.

Check out our self care activities for moms!

A pampered mother is a happy and healthy mother!


Involve your partner and family

If you and your partner are planning on having some help during the first few weeks, you’ll have to prep the guestroom. Your helper is here to support you, but you have to provide them with at least some comfort. Also, when choosing your “team”, opt for quality instead of quantity. Having a house full of obtrusive relatives will only make things harder for all of you!

There are many more things you’ll need to take care of until your kid grows up (toddler-proofing is essential), but these baby things to buy before birth and must-dos will prepare your home for a newborn and provide it with a safe, healthy and well-equipped environment during the first few weeks of its life!

Got more questions that need answering about pregnancy and after the birth? Click to find about more pregnancy posts here. Everything from answering if losing weight after c section is harder to what to take in your hospital bag

List of things to get before baby arrives

list of things to do before baby arrives Must have baby things before baby arrives baby items to buy important things you need for a newborn

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